Welcome to the Ships! That it short for relationships. I had a friend tell me that I should start a blog on relationship advice, so here it is...part of my blog related to just that! These topics will either be true story (straight from me) or will be passed along from reading I have come across. I'm excited about this because I have honestly been through so many ups and downs with relationships here lately and I know I'm not the only who has had to deal (good or bad) with some of the things I have been through.

I want to keep this post short and sweet, so I've left a few pointers below on how to keep a good 'ship:
Communication: learn to talk.
Listen: sometimes that's all that's needed
Embraces differences: don't try to change someone (unless it is a risk to their health)
Love: simple no explanation needed
Fun: learn to have fun in whatever you do
Love and be loved! xoxo~
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