Like Vintage? So do I!
Good news for you, it's very in right now. The best part about vintage (to me) is that there really aren't a whole lot of rules to it {unlike the other fashion statements}. So make it your own and have fun with it. Here are some sites I came across for shopping for vintage pieces: (these were borrowed from Lucky Magazine)
Butch Wax,
Value Village,
American Rag,
Night After Night,
What Goes Around Comes Around,
And don't forget that you can also find things at your local Salvation Army or other thrift stores.
Share your favorite places to shop vintage!
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Hello Shoes
I dedicated a page just for shoes, because I have a passion for them. I hope to have a closet dedicated to shoes alone when we have a house one day (ha)
I've come across some fabulous shoes for this fall!!! Take a look below:
Do you not LOVE these?? :) I think I will add them to my collection. Happy Shoe shopping-and don't forget to follow, so you can let me know what your favs are! xoxo~
I've come across some fabulous shoes for this fall!!! Take a look below:
Do you not LOVE these?? :) I think I will add them to my collection. Happy Shoe shopping-and don't forget to follow, so you can let me know what your favs are! xoxo~
First Random
My first post about randoms!
Before going out on the river today, I purchased a few magazines for some pleasure reading, and to get a heads up for fall. One of the magazines I picked up was the August issue of Lucky Magazine, and while pouring over all the information I came across a promotional page: "Become one of the Lucky 1s". Caught my attention. By signing up for this site, you can share ideas and expertise, test products and services, etc. I was like well...why not? So I signed up. (
I thought this would be something fun to do and you can give your input. I wanted to share it with you all as well. Go sign up and give them your thoughts and ideas and vote on their surveys. :)
Before going out on the river today, I purchased a few magazines for some pleasure reading, and to get a heads up for fall. One of the magazines I picked up was the August issue of Lucky Magazine, and while pouring over all the information I came across a promotional page: "Become one of the Lucky 1s". Caught my attention. By signing up for this site, you can share ideas and expertise, test products and services, etc. I was like well...why not? So I signed up. (
I thought this would be something fun to do and you can give your input. I wanted to share it with you all as well. Go sign up and give them your thoughts and ideas and vote on their surveys. :)
Friday, July 22, 2011
Little Things: Do they count or no?
I've always told Matthew that it's the little things that matter most. I'm not the kind of girl that needs anything material to make me extremely happy. I'm amused very easily, anyone who knows me, knows this. Examples:
a text message during the day to say I love you
leaving behind a note that says something to the effect of: hope you have a great day!
a love letter (ladies, depending on your man try not to push this one, it's just not their kind of thing)
hand picked flower(s) ("just because" are the best ones)
helping clean up after dinner
I could go on about all the small gestures that make relationships with your significant matter most.And everyone is different. All that being said, we've heard that it's the little things that matter.
Ok, strike that and reverse it: now when you're fighting (and like it or not, fights are going to happen-you have to pick and choose your battles), sometimes the worst fights are over little things. I'll give you the biggest example of this: leaving the toilet seat up.
The toilet seat is a world-wide battle (so don't feel like you're the only ones). Couples will fight to the death over this and you's pointless. It's annoying, but it's not worth fighting over.
I get aggravated when there's water around the outside of the sink, like on the countertop. It's a huge pet peeve of mine, and probably a little OCD; however, Matthew knows how much I hate it. Yet, the boy will not wipe it down and takes on the "I don't know what you're talking about" role. After 3 years of living together, and the first two arguing over this little thing: I've realized it's not worth it. I just wipe it down and ask him (nicely) to clean up after himself. It's all I can do. My dad tells me that the little things don't matter. It's funny because this whole time you've thought they are what matter most. lol So to save yourself some heartache, think about those little things that drive you crazy or the ones that make you smile. Determine if they're worth the trouble or worth the reward. Love and be loved! xoxo~
a text message during the day to say I love you
leaving behind a note that says something to the effect of: hope you have a great day!
a love letter (ladies, depending on your man try not to push this one, it's just not their kind of thing)
hand picked flower(s) ("just because" are the best ones)
helping clean up after dinner
I could go on about all the small gestures that make relationships with your significant matter most.And everyone is different. All that being said, we've heard that it's the little things that matter.
Ok, strike that and reverse it: now when you're fighting (and like it or not, fights are going to happen-you have to pick and choose your battles), sometimes the worst fights are over little things. I'll give you the biggest example of this: leaving the toilet seat up.
The toilet seat is a world-wide battle (so don't feel like you're the only ones). Couples will fight to the death over this and you's pointless. It's annoying, but it's not worth fighting over.
I get aggravated when there's water around the outside of the sink, like on the countertop. It's a huge pet peeve of mine, and probably a little OCD; however, Matthew knows how much I hate it. Yet, the boy will not wipe it down and takes on the "I don't know what you're talking about" role. After 3 years of living together, and the first two arguing over this little thing: I've realized it's not worth it. I just wipe it down and ask him (nicely) to clean up after himself. It's all I can do. My dad tells me that the little things don't matter. It's funny because this whole time you've thought they are what matter most. lol So to save yourself some heartache, think about those little things that drive you crazy or the ones that make you smile. Determine if they're worth the trouble or worth the reward. Love and be loved! xoxo~
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Embrace the Dress Code
So you thought that after leaving high school, you'd leave that rule they called a dress code behind right??? Well maybe during your college years. Now you've entered a part of your life that consumes your time 8 hours a day, just like high school. And guess what-it involves a dress code (of some sort) too! I have to admit that I'm the dork that couldn't wait to wear businss suits and be professional. But there are some of us who don't appreciate the suit and would rather opt for something more comfortable. I'll be the first to say that I LOVE dress pants. They are flattering on any woman (if fitted properly) and you can make them go with almost anything (almost!). So for those of you who work for the companies that are particular about your appearance, I've put together some ideas below. I love anything from GAP, Banana Republic, Express, and New York & Co. However, when you're on a budget you can't afford those name brands. What do you do? You use those for inspiration and hunt elsewhere (I usually end up hitting the jackpot at places such as Cato's, Ross, TJ Maxx, Maurices, and Belk) I've posted some pics to give you inspiration for your Professional Wardrobe. Give me your feedback and what you wear to work-I'd love to hear/see it! xoxo~
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Music: Food for the Soul
Music is one of my absolute favorite things in life. You can tell my mood by what kind of music I'm listening to, for instance Matthew knows that if I've got Sinatra or Norah Jones playing on the iPod that it's been a hell of a day and I just need to relax (those two soothe me). If I'm kind of down and out, I have a special mix just for that on my iPod as well.
Music relates to us well because you know the song you're listening to was written by someone who was going through something. It's our heart poured out to the sound of instruments-it takes us to our happy places. :)And I can enjoy almost any tune except for screaming metal and bluegrass (sorry!).
Not only do I love listening to music, I also write lyrics. Eventually I would love to write notes to go with those lyrics, but for now lyrics help me get out what I couldn't verbally say or to put into perspective what I'm feeling.
And music is easily related to memories. Each song has a story. You hear a song on the radio and you'll smile remembering what exactly you were doing when yuo first heard that song (wedding day, first kiss, beach trip,etc). For example (and no offense to Matthew) but I remember, still to this day my first boyfriend and mine love song. The 70s and 80s make me think of my family because that's what I grew up listening to. Britney Spears takes me back to the 6th grade with her hit baby one more time. You remember good or bad times with music. You can't help it, it triggers something in your brain. I can't work without music or study without it, it keeps me focus and makes the environment more enjoyable. So the purpose of this is to let you know that I'll be posting random songs I've written or will post some of my fav music (past and present). I hope you enjoy!!! :)
Currently listening to:
Ashley Simpson: little miss obssessive
Taylor Swift: Speak Now album
Kings of Leon
Music relates to us well because you know the song you're listening to was written by someone who was going through something. It's our heart poured out to the sound of instruments-it takes us to our happy places. :)And I can enjoy almost any tune except for screaming metal and bluegrass (sorry!).
Not only do I love listening to music, I also write lyrics. Eventually I would love to write notes to go with those lyrics, but for now lyrics help me get out what I couldn't verbally say or to put into perspective what I'm feeling.
And music is easily related to memories. Each song has a story. You hear a song on the radio and you'll smile remembering what exactly you were doing when yuo first heard that song (wedding day, first kiss, beach trip,etc). For example (and no offense to Matthew) but I remember, still to this day my first boyfriend and mine love song. The 70s and 80s make me think of my family because that's what I grew up listening to. Britney Spears takes me back to the 6th grade with her hit baby one more time. You remember good or bad times with music. You can't help it, it triggers something in your brain. I can't work without music or study without it, it keeps me focus and makes the environment more enjoyable. So the purpose of this is to let you know that I'll be posting random songs I've written or will post some of my fav music (past and present). I hope you enjoy!!! :)
Currently listening to:
Ashley Simpson: little miss obssessive
Taylor Swift: Speak Now album
Kings of Leon
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Ships: Friends, Family,& Your Significant Other

Welcome to the Ships! That it short for relationships. I had a friend tell me that I should start a blog on relationship advice, so here it is...part of my blog related to just that! These topics will either be true story (straight from me) or will be passed along from reading I have come across. I'm excited about this because I have honestly been through so many ups and downs with relationships here lately and I know I'm not the only who has had to deal (good or bad) with some of the things I have been through.

I want to keep this post short and sweet, so I've left a few pointers below on how to keep a good 'ship:
Communication: learn to talk.
Listen: sometimes that's all that's needed
Embraces differences: don't try to change someone (unless it is a risk to their health)
Love: simple no explanation needed
Fun: learn to have fun in whatever you do
Love and be loved! xoxo~
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Florals (and not your Grandmother's kind)

First post!!! I couldn't contain myself!!! Pictures above are a dead give away about this post :)
The new style for this year is anything with floral. I have loved this for a long time, but anytime I would pick out an item of clothing I would be named the "granny" for liking. So I have stocked my closet with a few items (without over doing it). Here are some ideas below to give you an idea of the new "in" Think little (not big), and you got it :) Enjoy!
{ps all of these dresses are from Forever and are $22.50 and under!}
The times-they are a' changing

I've been MIA for some time now...I've debated whether or not I want to blog again or if, truth be told, I have the time for it. I feel as though I've let some of you down-those who were following. Hopefully you will be able to understand that my life journey as this time calls for me to spend as much time in my text books as I can. 10 weeks and 4 classes is a hot mess {for those of you who have had to constantly listen to my nagging about it...I apologize} However, I only have 3 semesters left, meaning that I can see graduation on my horizion :) And it's about time! (insert hallelujuah chorus!) That being said, my mind is reeling about the direction I want to take at that point. I have to start planning ahead to figure out where exactly I want to be, what field of my degree, do I want to open my own business{??}, etc. I feel as though I wear many hats...(not literally) but in the sense in that: I'm the wife, I'm the friend, I'm the stylist who wishes she walked the runway, I'm a gym junkie (a bipolar gym junkie lol), I'm an artist-you see what I mean? There is so much that I want to do, so little time to do it in. I've got an idea for this blog. I don't want it to only be about my attempts and failures with fitness, but something much more. What gave me this idea??? A five year old girl going estatic over my red Jessica Simpson heels, and as she told her mother how much she wanted a pair just like mine, I thought how amazing it would be to give inspiration to others. So, as my summer classes are winding down, my mind is winding up. Stay tuned because I think you're going to like what you're about to see
All my love!! xoxo~
{ps the pics in my blog are clues of what's to come, see if you can guess} :)
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